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7 Benefits of apples really amazing

7 Benefits of apples really amazing

The apple tree is a small tree and leaf fall, reaching a height of 3 to 12 meters, with a wide canopy and are usually extremely relay. The leaves are oval-shaped leaves with a length of 5-12 cm and a width of 3-6 centimeters. Apple blossoms bloom in the spring, along with the growth of leaves. The flowers are white with pink frosted gradually faded. The flowers, there are five petals, and reached a diameter of 2.5 to 3.5 cm. The fruit is ripe in the fall, and typically 5 to 9 centimeters in diameter. Apple core had five gynoecium composed like a five star eyes, each containing one to three seeds. Apples contain much nutritional content, here are some of the content of the nutrients found in apples According to the USDA.

The nutritional value per 100 grams (3.5 oz) Energi218 kJ (52 kcal), Carbohydrates 13.81 gram, 10.39 gram - Sugar,Dietary fiber is 2.4 gram, 0:17 gram -Animal, 0:26 grams protein, 85.56 grams Water, Vitamin A equiv.3 ug, (0 %) thiamine (Vit. B1) 0.017 mg,(1%) Riboflavin (Vit. B2), 0.026 mg (2%) Niacin (Vit. B3) 0091 mg (1%), pantothenic acid (B5) 0061 mg (1%),Vitamin B60.041 mg (3%), Folate (Vit. B9) 3 mg (1%), vitamin C 4.6 mg (8%), calcium6 mg (1%), Iron 0.12 mg (1%), Magnesium5 mg (1%), Fosfor11 mg (2%), pottaium107 mg (2%), Zink0.04 mg (0%) The percentage refers to the US recommendations for adults.

Source: USDA Nutrient Data

because the content of protein and nutrients that apples contain health benefits including:

1.Preventing Colon Cancer
Colorradicals cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer and the second leading cause of death due to cancer in the Western world. Colorectal cancer causes 655,000 deaths worldwide each year. Many colon cancers are known to originate from adenomas polyps in the intestines and feces buildup due to constipation too long. The development of these polyps sometimes develop into cancer. Treatment for this cancer is usually through surgery, which is usually followed dengankemoterapi. Approximately 75-95% of cases of bowel cancer strikes people with a genetic risk of low levels or not at all. 

Apples can treat colon cancer because it contains phenolic compounds (which are antioxidants) that may prevent cancer such as colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Such compounds are quercetin, epicatechin, and prosianidin
 (source: wikipedia).

Therefore eating apples is very good in helping the healing process of cancer patients.

2.Preventing Dehydration
Dehydration is a lack of fluid in the body caused by exhausting activity and the lack of drinking water, an apple can prevent dehydration by its water content, which reached 85.56 grams. therefore if you consume apples regularly will be very good in preventing dehydration.

3.Prevent free radicals
Apples can prevent free radicals because apple skin is one of the foods that produce a substance known as quercetin, which is a kind of substances that are antioxidants.

Antioxidants are substances that can slow or prevent the oxidation process.
(Schular P.1990.Natural Antioksidant Exploited Commercially)
This substance is significantly able to slow or inhibit the oxidation of a substance which is easily oxidized even in low concentrations. [Halliwel B,Aeschbach R.,Lolinger J,Auroma O I.1995. Toxicology." J Food Chem"33:601.]. Antioxidants are also suitable defined as compounds that protect cells from the harmful effects of reactive oxygen free radicals when it comes to disease, free radicals can be derived darimetabolisme body and other external factors.

Free radicals are species that are unstable because they have unpaired electrons and are looking for electron pairs in biological macromolecules.  The protein lipid and DNA from healthy human cells are a source of electron pairs Good. [citation needed] The condition of oxidation can cause damage to proteins and DNA, cancer, aging and other diseases. The chemical components that act as antioxidants are compounds classes of phenolic and polyphenolic. [citation needed] The compounds of these groups are many there are in nature, particularly in plants, and has the ability to capture free radicals.The antioxidants found in many foodstuffs, among lainvitamin E, vitamin C, and carotenoCancer

4.Stabilize Cholesterol
Apple can control the amount of cholesterol in the body so as to stabilize the cholesterol in the body and can prevent diseases caused by excess cholesterol such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes

5.Prevent Lung Cancer

Image wikipedia 

lung cancer is a disease with characteristic selyang uncontrolled growth in lung tissue. If not treated, the growth of these cells can spread outside of the lung through a process called metastasis into nearby tissue or other parts of the body. Most cancers that begin in the lungs, known as primary lung cancer, are carcinomas derived from epithelial cells. The main types of lung cancer that is SCLC (small cell lung cancer), also called grain cell cancer, and NSCLC (lung cancer is non-small-cell). Gejalapaling common are coughing (including coughing up blood), weight loss and shortness of breath.

The most common cause of lung cancer is exposure in the long term to tobacco smoke, which led to 80-90% of lung cancer. Non-smoker reaches 10-15% of cases of lung cancer, [3] and the case usually caused by a combination of genetic factors, gas radon, asbestos, and air pollution including passive smoking. Lung cancer can be seen through a chest X-ray and computer tomography (CT scan) .diagnosis can be confirmed with a biopsy [8] which is usually done through prosedurbronkoskopi or guided by CT. Care and outcomes in the long term depends on the type of cancer, the stage (degree of spread), and the patient's overall state of health, public based and kondition measured.

by consuming apples at least reduce the risk of lung disease, all come back to yourself, try to live healthy and do not

6. Prevent Alzheimer's
Have recently done research the results of which apples can prevent diseases that occur in the brain, more precisely on brain aging occurs. The disease known as Alzheimer'sThe following further information on Alzheimer's disease and its treatment that I quoted from wikipedia.

Alzheimer's disease is not contagious, but rather a syndrome similar to apoptosis of brain cells at the same time, so that the brain appears to shrink and shrink. Alzheimer's disease is also said to be synonymous with the parents.

The risk for Alzheimer's disease, increases with age. Starting at age 65, a person has a five per cent risk of developing the disease and will be doubling every five years, said a doctor. According to him, even though the disease is associated with older people, but history proves that the first disease that is known for sure is that women suffer from this disease in the early 50's age.

Alzheimer's disease is most commonly found in elderly people aged 65 years and above. In developed countries like the United States today there are more than 4 million elderly people with Alzheimer's disease. This figure is expected to rise to nearly 4 times in 2050. This is related to higher life expectancy in people in developed countries, so that the population of elderly people is also increasing. While in Indonesia is estimated there are at least 1 million people with Alzheimer's in 2013.

In the early stages of developing Alzheimer's, a decrease in vascular risk factors can complicate the diagnosis of this syndrome, but reduces the speed of the development of dementia.
as I have described above apples can prevent Alzheimer's disease, but if you want to know how his handlers The following is how to handle Alzheimer's disease, quoted  from wikipedia.

7.Treating Asthma
Asthma (in Greek ἅσθμα, asthma, "gasped") is a chronic inflammation that commonly occur in the airways characterized by symptoms are varied and recurrent airway obstruction that is reversible, danspasme bronchus. Common symptoms meliputimengi, cough, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.

Asthma was initially thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The diagnosis is usually based on the pattern of symptoms, response to therapy at a certain time, and spirometry. Asthma is classified clinically based on how often the symptoms appear, forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), and peak expiratory flow rate. Asthma can also be classified sebagaiatopik (extrinsic) or non-atopic (intrinsic) where atopic predisposition associated with the development of type 1 hypersensitivity .

Therapy for acute symptoms usually inhaled beta-2 agonist fast reaction (eg salbutamol) and oral corticosteroids. In very severe cases it may be necessary administration of intravenous corticosteroids, magnesium sulfate and treatment in the hospital. This phenomenon can be prevented by avoiding triggers, such as allergens and irritants, and with the use of inhaled corticosteroid. Beta agonists slow reaction (LABA) or leukotriene antagonists can be added, in addition to administration of inhaled corticosteroid when asthma symptoms can not be controlled. The prevalence asthma has increased significantly since the 1970s. In 2011, 235-300 million people globally have asthma, including the 250,000 deaths. quoted from wikipedia.

As described above was asthma is so dangerous because it can cause death. changing lifestyles in a healthy way and consuming apple juice or apple may prevent asthma if organized and disciplined in taking it because apples contain phytochemicals and folifenol that can help cure asthma
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