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The Origin of the Name of Indonesia

Indonesia my homeland,myhomeland the beautiful natural, culture an linguistic etnict diverse and abundant natural wealth that my country Indonesia. Perhaps the majority of people no one knows the original of the name of Indonesia and how is history Indonesian name.

The Origin of the Name of Indonesia
The origin of the name of Indonesia 
In 1847 in Singapura published an annual magazine, The Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia (JIAEA) ,wich is managed by James Richadson Logan (1810-1869) ,a Scot who obtained his law degre from University of Edinburgh.then in 1849 an English etnologist George Samuel windso earl (1813-1865) joined as editor of the magazine JIAEA. In JIAEA volume IV 1850 ,page 66 -74 ,Earl wrote an article, Earl says in the article that is was time for the resident of the islands of the Indian or Malay-Achipelago to have distinctive name because it is not proper Indian name and often one with another mention of India.

The island of india or Malay-Achipelago will each be a"person or persons Malayunesia Indunesia. Earl himself has said choosing the name Malyunseia (Malay-Achipelago) of the Indunesia (indies). because Malayunesia very approprivate for the Malay race while Indunesia can also by used by Ceylon (designations Srilangka at the time) and Maldeves ( foreign designations for the Maldives Archipelago ) Earl also argued that the Melayu languange used by everyone in these island .in writing the Earl used the term Malayunesia and does not use the term Indunesia. 

In volume IV JIAEA it 252-247 ,James wrote the article "The Etnologi of the Indian Archipelago, of the beginning of his article Logan also expressed the need for a distinctive name for the island because the term Indian Archipelago (indies) is to long and confusing then Logan take Indunesia name that are not in use or no longer use by the Earl, and the letter" U" with the replacement of the letters "O" in order to better words it gives birth to the term  Indonesia  "and it proves that the majority eropha circle continue to believe that the inhabiting of these island is Indian.a nik name is maintained because is was already familiar in Eropha.

Indonesia emerged in the world with wordS Printea on page 254 Logan performance writing,Earl sugested the term etnography Indonesia" but the refused and interes prefers the term "Malayunesia " i prefer the furely Geographical term"Indonesia "that just sinonim And shorter to the island of the Indian (island India).Mr.Logan may not realizes that one day the name" Indonesia"will be the official name of a country .since than Logan announce the name of Indonesia consistenly in the writing scholary.

In 1884 Prosessor of Etnology from Berlin University named Adolf Bastian (1826-1905)) Publised a book entilted "Indonesia Oder Die Insein des Malayischen Archipelago, as much as 5 volume that contains the results of the researchers whe he was in island it was in the year(1864-1880) Adolf Bastian book is what popularized the term" Indonesia'among the ducth scholar,until one migth think that the term "Indonesia" was created by Adolf Bastian. opinion that true that ,among other things listed in the Encyclopedia Van Vanderland-indie 1918.when Adolf Bastian took the term "Indonesia" was from the writing of James Richadson Logan.

Native who first used the term "Indonesia"is Suwardi Suryaningrat when exiled to the Nederland in 1913,establish a news agency whith the name " Indonesischc Persbureu ,Indonesischc is (Indonesian pronunciation in languange Ducth) was also intoduced as a replacement for the indian name (Indisch) by a professor Cornelis Van Vallenhoven (1971) is replaced whith the name Indonesier (Indonesian people) and up until now the term Indonesia has become the name of the state receipt Indonesia .
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