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Dragon fruite health benefits

Dragon fruite health benefits
Dragon fruit
Dragon fruite health benefits

Dragon fruite come from Central America precisely on mexico state,has a sweet and fresh,including the dragon fruit cactus species of the genus Hylocereus and celenicereus. dragon fruit has two types of dragon fruit red and white dragon fruit but according to some research and research red dragon fruit is good for health. dragon fruit produced by a types of cactus plan.

Including dragon fruit-bearing cactus
  • Hylocereus undatus generated- fruit produced with white flesh.
  • Hylocereus polyrhizus - fruit produced pink colored flesh red 
  • Selenicereus megalantus - produced yellow fruit with white flesh fruit
  • Hylocereus costaricences- produced vey red
Some compound dragon fruit
In 100 grams dragon fruit, KKL contains 60 calories,0,5 grams protein,11,5 grams carbohydrates,71 grams of fiber,calcium 134.5 mg,fosfor 0.87 mg,0.65 mg of iron,vitamin C 9.4 mg,and the water content of 80%.

 Dragon fruit benefits

overcoming disorders digestive problems
Indigestion problems such as constipation or bowel obstruction can be treated with is dragon fruit.because the dragon fruit is rich in fiber it So consumed dragon fruit regularly and routinely will resolve your constipation problems.

Help the healing process
Vitamin B1 is contained in the dragon fruit can stimulate the appetite,especially like those who are in the process of healing,with the dragon fruit consumed regularly will be very helpful in the process healing .

Lowering cholesterol
For those of you who want to lower cholesterol is recommended to consume because the dragon fruit .because dragon fruit is rich in Vitamin B3 or niacin that can lower cholesterol in body,in addition to lowering cholesterol funtion of vitamin B3 can also make the skin smoot and glowing.

Assist in the formation of teeth and bonecell development 
The content od phosphorus and calcium contained in the dragon fruit can help to build stronge bones,teets stronge and healthy development.

Prevent cancer
Dragon fruit is rich in antioksidants that help phytoalbumin formation of carcinogenic free radicals in the body.the fruit is also richbin fiber,calcium,phosphorus, Vitamin c and B2 ,as well as metals that help remove toxins from the body,some of wich can cause cancer.

Overcoming diabetes type 2
For those of you who suffer from type 2 diabetes ,try dragon fruit regularly consume this as dragon fruit is abble to control blood sugar in order to stay balanced.

Threat high bloood presure / hipertension
Hipertension or high bloood presure can lead to heart disaese that eventually occurs stroke,hipertension when you try to consume red dragon fruit can lower blood presure / hipertension be back to normal.

Neutrallize toxins in the body
You should that in our bodies there are toxins such as mercury and arsenic , but all that can be neutrallize if you deligently consume dragon fruit.

Nourish the eyes
Eyes are the most important parts of our body to keep the health of your eyes before yuor eyes having problems keep your eyes health by eating dragon fruit on regularly, because of the carotene content contained in dragon fruit can nourish your eyes, this is an Alternative for those of you who do not like carrots.

The benefits red dragon fruit tob suppress Arthritis 
Arthritis in inflammation of the joints that can caurse acute irritation and your mobility impaired ,by eating dragon fruit can help you to figh this desease. The benefits of dragon fruit for people who suffer from Arthritis so large that it is often referred to as " anti-inflammatory fruit".

Benefits pitaya to cough and asthma 
Respiratory disorder such as asthma, coughs,colds and flu is very difficult to deal with from day to day so as to reduce them can be eating dragon fruit. Altrough the fruit is not a substituti for medication,dragon fruit may help reduce coughing and respiratory problems such as asthma, whith a high content of vitamin C that make the immune system stronger so that you can fight infection more easily.

Dragon fruit benefits to overcome acne 
The fruit is suitable in consumption of teenager because it can reduce acne that afflict them rich in Vitamin C,this fruit can be made in the ointment to face with acne.cut dragon fruit and take the meat for destroyed and made pasta and then smeread into the area face flushed whith acne,then rinse with water ,for best results ,use twice a day.

Benefits pitaya for burned skin
By combining the dragon fruit with cucumber juice and honey,you can create compounds that can treat burned skin.high content of vitamin B3 in the dragon fruit ,can moisturize the skin that burn and release heat from the skin is exposed to hot water or fire.

Dragon fruit benefit

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