Indonesian Bay Leaf for Health Benefits |
Indonesian Bay Leaf
Indonesian bay leaves or bay leaf is a leaf that is wedely used for cooking and has been known since antiquity ,in Indonesia leaves have another names,including, Sundanese,Javanese and Madurese : salam ,Kangean : kastolam ,Java : Manting ,Sumatra : Meselengan
Nutritional Content Found in Bay Leave
- Vitamin c
- Vitamin A
- Folid acid
- Mineral
Vitamin C
Bay leaves are a rich source of vitamin C. Benefits 100 grams of fresh bay leaves provide about 46,5 mg of this vitamin ,which is equivalent to 77,5% recommend daily requitmen.
Vitamin A
Bay leaves are a source of Benefit of vitamin A is exellent and provides about 6,185 IU ( INTERNASIONAL UNITS) or 206% of the daily intake of this vitamin.
Folic Acid
Bay leaves contain folic acid /100 grams of leaves provide about 180 mg or 45% of the daily intake
Bay leaves are very rich in mineral such as copper,potassium, magnesium,zinc,iron,calcium, manganese and selenium. Potassium is an important cimponent of cell and body fluids,to control blood pressure and heart rate,manganese and copper used by the body as enzyme co factor.
Indonesian bay leaf for health benefits
Benefits of bay leaf has been shown to be effective for treating type 2 diabetes lowers blood glucose cholesterol and triglycerides. For maximum results, bay leaf powder can be consumed for 30 days. Antioksidants in the leaf allow the body to prosses insulin efficiently ,so it is good for diabetict and people with insulin resistance.
The oil extracted from the leaves contain anti-inflammatory proporties that will relieve the pain of sprains,strains,arthritis,rheumatism, and pain. Bay leaf oil can help relieve migraines and headaches. Bay leaves will also improve blood circulation. In the case of joins pain,ground bay leaf and leaf distance tied to the area around the joints are inflamed ,will reduce pain and swelling.
Leaves are effective again the symptoms of colds ,flu and infection. In the case of respiratory disorder, boiled water and add 2 to 3 bay leaves. Let it evaporate for 10 minute . soak a cloth in the this water and place it on the chest to relieve the flu,colds and coughs.
- Treating of kidney Disorders
Leaves will help treat a kidney infection, and even kidney stones. This medication prescription just by boiling 5 grams of leaves and 200 ml of water and 50 ml of water. Strain and drink this concoction twice a day,to stop the formation of kidney stones.
The content of purines in the body can accumulates and cause asthma symptoms veint. We can take advantage of bay leaves to reduce uric acid. Way take about 10 bay leaves and then wash clean. Boil 10 cups of water,until the rest of the stay five cups water. Drink this decoction twice a day rebuasn this.
- Coping with Hair and Dandruff
Rinse water is made of bay leaves, is effective in treating dandruff. Leaves regarded as a great remedy for hair loss. Bay leaf oil is useful as a tonic for the hair effectively combat dandruff and hair loss.
Leaves will help the skin ,thereby preventing the occurrence of wrinkles .
How ..?? Simmer 5 dried bay leaves with 2 cups of water to a sealed container. Then open the lide and summer about 2 minutes. Now pour the beverages into a large bowl and cover your head with a towel ,inhaling this vapor.
Bay leaf is a natural insect repellent that with lauric acid content . Dish of leaves will repel insect is appplied ,will reduce the stings and insect bites.
Bay leaves contain caffeic acid,quercetin ,and catechin eugonal which have protective properties and provide resistance to various types of
cancer. Leaves also contain a phythonutrien called parthenolide and has been shown to especially withstand the proliferation of cervical cancer cells.
Of valuable compounds such as rutin,salicylic,caffeic acid and phythonutrien that are strongs in the bay leaves, can improve heart helth and prevent stroke. Flavonoid help normalize blood in patients with hypertension. 10 bay leaves washed clean,then boiled leaves with 3 cups of water, drink while warm once a day.
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