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The Benefits of Cayenne Pepper to Health

Cayenne pepper is a member of the genus capsicum plants and rich nurtisi such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, provitamin A, cayenne pepper also contains phosphorus and calcium. apart from the cayenne pepper also contains capsaicin that makes chili was spicy which can increase appetite, plus edorphin that add delicious flavor to food. The following are some benefits of cayenne pepper:

The Benefits of Cayenne Pepper to Health
The Benefits of Cayenne Pepper to Health

The benefits of cayenne pepper to health

 1. prevent cancer
  • Eating chili regularly and routinely can prevent cancer cells and without damaging healthy cells. it is because capsaicin contained in chili pepper (according to research by British scientists). 
 2.Inhibits premature aging
  • the content of vitamin C and beta-carotene can inhibit the aging themselves, this meaning should consume cayenne pepper regularly in order to stay young and beautiful.
 3.reduces the cholesterol in the food
  • if you like greasy food, try to add a little cayenne pepper to prevent cholesterol, besides cayenne pepper can also burn calories in the body by up to 25%.
 4.Healthy Heart us
  •  consume chili regularly can the blood flow of the heart, to the heart will remain intact and healthy.
5.treat muscle spasms and joint pain
  • rheumatic disease that causes joint pain and muscle spasms, can be reduced by taking cayenne pepper regularly.
6.Keeping your body fresh and fit
  • cayenne pepper can prevent and protect the body against some diseases, it is because the content of vitamin C contained in chili very important role as an antioxidant that protects the body from disease, then eat chili with regular and routine. but remember .. !! do not overdo it because it will cause your stomach heartburn 
7.prevent the risk of impotence and fertility support
  • besides being able to keep your body fit, it turns cayenne pepper also perperan for fertility for women and may reduce the risk of impotence in men. 

That's a little info for the health benefits of cayenne pepper,hope it is useful

Bhut Jolokia

The Benefits of Cayenne Pepper to Health
The Benefits of Cayenne Pepper to Health

info about Bhut Jolokia
 Bhut Jolokia - in 2006, Guinness World Records announced that the Bhut Jolokia is the hottest chilli in the world, with the level of spiciness reached 1,001,304 scoville scale. Bhut Jolokia comes from northeast India (Assam, Nagaland and Manipur) and Bangladesh. in Assam and Bengali languages ​​chili is called Bhut Jolokia or dragon marica. This chili shape and size of wrinkles small but plump, and residents of Assam believe that by eating Bhut Jolokia could help prevent some diseases, including: rheumatoid disease, cancer, osteoporosis, lower blood pressure and cholesterol. That's a little info about the hottest chili in the world that is Bhut Jolokia.

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