Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Kutai National Park |
Kutai National Park ( KNP) is actualy a lowland tropical rain forest in Eas Kalimantan province,covering an are of 198,629 hectares, KNP s is the region of kutai National Park Management section Region 1 sangata.Administratively ,KNP located in three districts namely East Kutai Regency Mammal, Bontang.
Kutai National Park is formed by a decree (sk) The Government of the Nederland East indies (GB) No 3843 /A2 /1934 KNP extensive land early in 1934 is 2 million hectares .but than by the Royal Goverment of Kutai set into a wildlife santuary through SK ( ZB ) No.80 /22-ZB/1936 with an area of 306 thousand hectar in 1971 Publised the Decree of the Minister of Agticulture No.30/kpts/um//6/1971/,date july 23 ,1971.
The decree was mentioned that some part of Kutai National Park removed the covering 106 thousand hectars of pristine for HPH PT Kayu Mas and the rest it for the expansion of the fertilizer industry and natural gas.
kutai National Park |
National Park Aquatic has two resort a favorite for tourists and researchers that is Sangkima and prevab.Prevab resort locate near the Swarga Bara ,Comple KFC,Sangata dan aquatic East.
Sangkima is located in the way of the shaft Bontang and Sangata on the miles to 37-40 of bontang with the land vehicles about 45 minutes from Bontang and 20 minutes from Sangatta.The National Park right to be on the main road So that the land access acheived easlly with four-wheeled vehicles and two weels.
Kutai National Park |
Before to Sangkima or before entering on the area of National Park ,it would be better learn the route will be passed from the bulletin board. Dont worry ,the signal strong enough in forest area so it does no worry about getting lost. Equally. Important the prepare your camera with a litle propision of drinking and snack to travel. This area pretty much visited ,because the accebility most easly. Biodiversity and vegetation is also be the destination of interest to local communities and foreign, natural lovers and researchrers from different countries Sangkima offer beauty and natural forest with a variety of plants for example Ironwood, variuos types of monkey and some things that can be enjoyed in the KNP ( Kutai National Park ) including its natural beauty, flora and fauna as well as its outbound shades, Kutai National Park has been designed as an attractive area with atrack outbound ironwood board (boardwalk) chalenging.
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