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Paradise on Misool Island

Paradise on Misool Island
Misool island
The beauty of Raja Ampat Misool island awesome, this island awesome is one of the four largest island of the archipelago of Raja Ampat,located in west Papua ,Indonesia, whith various types of marine park wich holdes 75% of all species of coral and fish in the world, making misool island as the most diving destinations in province West Papua. Besides the clarity of water that alow to look directly into the sub-surface colorfull while still on the water cloud reach 10-30 meter.

For those of you who like to dive, there Misool island dive site by offering the beauty of the spectacular underwater paradise.various types of coral reefs, various species of fish, turtley, roys,sharks, and other marine animal inhabiting underwater misool island. Therefore, diving smiwing,sunboting, or just relax on the beach will be experience is exclusive travel.

Transportation and accommodation 

Paradise on Misool Island
Paradise with Misool island
To reach the island of misool you can schedule a flight to the airport Domne Eduard Osok in sorong. Thereafter,Explore the island of misool you can opt to us a boat tour phinisi. As an Archipelago ,the main means of transportation in this area is sea transport. Shipe would be the vehicles you drive around and explore the beauty of misool island.

There is a tour package where the ship can also be a vehicle and a place to stay to explore being in a small paradise with beach views and spectacularunderwater. If stay at the Resort such as Papua diving and Misool Eco Resort, usually they will provide shutlle service from the airport in sorong in the form a private speedboat. raging from jasmine -class accommodation, homestay in house ,to stay at the super luxurious and exlusive resort which holds the management right on an uninhabited island and (impressed) private. The most prominent and is an icon of misool island with an area of approximetely 2,034 KM2 is the existence of Misool Eco Resort .
This people is one of the Resort which holds the right to manage the business of tuorism in Raja Ampat. Not only run ecotourism, Misool Eco Resort also runs conservation programs comitted to the preservation and utilization as ecotourism. The limit Resort guests only for 23 people.

Misool Eco Resort is managed by Andrew Miners together his wife, marit,and a number of core staff, consisting of local citizens to protect and revitalize not only the surrounding community. In the run ecotourism business in Misool island, besides building the supporting infrastructure an international -class accommodation for the convenience of tourists, Misool Eco Resort also runs the concept of nature conservation in various ways and in various fields. Among them is to establish areas NO-TAKE ZONE covering an area of 1220 km2 od fishing especially using dangerous tools and other activities are considered to the damaging sustainability

Paradise on Misool Island
Misool Eco Resort

Paradise on Misool Island
Misool Eco Resort 

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