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The benefits of bitter melon fruit which is amazing

The benefits of bitter melon fruit which is amazing

The benefits of bitter melon fruit which is amazing
Bitter Melon

Bitter melon is a vine with its fruit taste bitter, bitter melon is often consumed with boiled or cooked vegetables. but do you know? that bitter melon contains many nutisi are beneficial to health, the following content contained in the roots, leaves and fruit of bitter melon:

The fruit contains albuminoid, carbohydrates, and pigments. The leaves contain momordisina, momordina, carantina.

The leaves contain momordisina, momordina, carantina, resin, and oil.

Meanwhile, the roots contain momordial acid and acid oleanolat, while.

While its seeds contain saponins, alkaloids, triterprenoid and momordial.

That some of the content contained in the leaves, roots and seeds of bitter melon, while many health benefits of bitter melon to all, including :

Prevent Cancer
Prevent cancer is because bitter melon fruit contains beta carotene two times greater than the broccoli so as to prevent the occurrence of cancer, may also reduce the risk of heart attack.

Explanation of carotene
Carotene is a compound similar group which has the chemical formula C40 H56, carotene is the orange pigment, some of its members are involved in photosynthesis, this is the substance that gives orange carrots and root vegetables tunjang its other. biochemically carotene is a large group within the class of important compounds.

Treating Diabetes
Bitter Melon can treat type 2 diabetes, because the fruit of bitter melon can control blood sugar levels and insulin resistance meyembuhkan (hypoglycemic). research on the efficacy of hypoglycemic is done by William D. Torres in 2004 both in vitro and in vivo. Bitter melon as an antidiabetic drug discovery is confirmed by the results of an expert study drug and C.lau A.Raman British in 1996 which stated that the fruit juice and dried serbuh bitter melon may cause a reduction in blood glucose levels and improve glucose tolerance

Treating the problem constipation
Connstipation is a disorder of the digestive system, where a person experiences excessive hardening of the stool so it is difficult to be disposed of or removed and cause tremendous pain in patients. when it has reached a severe level, it could lead to colon cancer. for it to consume bitter melon is very good for those who have problems of indigestion or constipation

Advice so that you avoid constipation

  • Avoid eating fatty foods and have a high sugar content 
  • Drinking water of 1.2 to 2 liters a day
  • Trough regular exercise 
  • Make it a habit to defecate on a regular basis 
  • DO not hold defecate or urinate
  • The consumption of foods that contain lots of fiber such as fruits and vegetables
  • Not to diet too much
  • Sleep at least four hours a day
  • Eating foods anti-inflammatory such as, avocado, apple and coconut.

Keep skin healthy
Bitter melon can keep skin healthy because it has anti-inflammatory properties that helps get rid of toxins in the skin.

Coping with respiratorasthmatics
Bitter melon can help patients with respiratory disorders such as asthma and bronchitis, therefore consume bitter melon will greatly help asthmatics

As antioksidan
Researchers in Japan have discovered that bitter melon seed is a fairly strong anti-oxidant that works to fight free radicals in the body that can injure cells that trigger the growth of cancer cells, stroke, heart disease dab others.

Inhibit the ptogression of the virus
The calcium level in bitter melon is quite high so as to increase production of beta cells in the pancreas to produce insulin, the insulin in the body when sufficient then the glucose levels in the blood are increased in neutralize, as dictated by Prof. Lee - Huang of the University of New York, that the bitter melon fruit contains substances that can prevent HIV-AIDS-momorchorin namely alpha, beta-momorchorin and MAP 30 (momirdica antiviral protein 30) is lots of bitter melon seeds.

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