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6 health benefits of strawberries

6 health benefits of strawberries 

6 health benefits of strawberries
Strawberries or strawberry precisely garden (also known as the strawberry, of the Dutch language aardbei) is a strawberry varieties most widely known in the world. Like the other species in the genus Fragaria (strawberry), fruit is in family Rosaceae. In general, this fruit bukanlahbuah, but a false fruit, means that the flesh is not derived from plant ovaries (achenium) but from the bottom of the bowl-shaped hypanthium where the ovary of the plant is located. (Wikipedia)

We often refer strawberries or strawberry is very good for health. It was a sweet and slightly sour makes him a lot of rage. The content of vitamin C found in strawberries more than 1 orange orange, because strawberries provide 94 milligrams of vitamin C or 1.5 requirement of vitamin C daily. Many of the benefits of consuming vitamin C, among others maintaining healthy teeth and gums stay healthy children, helps wound healing and increases the body's resistance to infection as well as being an antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of some cancers.

Eight strawberries or 1 cup cut strawberries contains only 50 calories and contains no cholesterol or saturated fatty acids. The same amount also provide 30 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid. This amount is equivalent to 7.5 percent of the daily requirement of folic acid for pregnant women, which is 400 ug. Folic acid is important to prevent neural tube defects in the fetus. In addition, 1 cup strawberries skitar also contains 270 milligrams of potassium, which is one of the mineral potassium that is recommended in the diet for people who want to lower blood pressure. Also lack the same amount of about 4 grams of fiber, which can help lower blood cholesterol and fat levels healthy digestive tract. Fruit Strawberries also contain phytochemical compounds that ellagik acid, quercetin, kaempferol, phenolic acids and anthocyanins that are known to prevent the clumping of the virgin, one of the causes of heart attack or stroke.

Some health benefits of strawberries for, among others:

According to research conducted by the United State Department of Agriculture, the efficacy strawberries will not change even been processed into juice, cakes or jam. Research shows, toast spread with strawberry jam containing antioksiden 50 percent more than the fresh strawberries.

1. Preventing cancer
Consuming 1 cup fresh strawberries every day can reduce the risk of various cancers. Including cancers of the cervix, breast, colon, and throat.

2. Strawberries nutritious boost brain power and maintain the vision remains jernih.- benefits can be obtained if you regularly consume strawberries at least one to three glasses of strawberry juice in one day.

3. Treating acne, Strawberries can be used as a natural acne cure, because the fruit contains salicylic acid, which is generally contained by the majority of acne medications on the market. How: puree the strawberries, mix with a little yogurth, apply on face, leave on for approximately 15 minutes.

4. Whiten teeth, chewing strawberries every day is also useful for whitening teeth and eliminating bad breath.
5. Can smooth the skin, strawberry content is also beneficial for the skin of the body, because it is able to remove dead skin cells. The trick: Soak in strawberry fruit pieces, a mixture of milk and olive oil. Rub all over your body. If routine skin will become smoother, not dull, and the ankle will not be broken.

6. Nourish stomach, Strawberries can nourish the stomach, it is because strawberries are rich in vitamin C and vitamin C contained in strawberries safely to the stomach.

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