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Benefits Lime for Health

Benefits lime to treat the skin and shink the stomech (diet) has helped many people. You can fell the efficacay of lemon if it know that in a lot of vitamin compounds that are good fo maintaining a healthy body from the inside.
Lemon or lime or wrongly there that says this lemon frui is a pland that is used for a variety of human need,such as cooking with is used as seasoning a sauce,skin care problems,help you lose wiegth ,and certainly support the health of the body maximally from the inside .
This fruit contains the highest Vitamin C that is already know by the world community that other citrus fruit.another example lime content of vitamin C, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, fat,protein, calcium, folid acid,Vitamin B1,B2,B3,B5 and mineral such as iron,phosphorus, magnesium,potasium,zink and sugar there is also a citric acid content that created a source taste

Benefit Lime for Health
benefit lime for health

Lime for health benefit

Here are the benefits of lemon for health

1.Improving the ability of the immune when extreme wheather
  • Winter s the best time to make the body vurnerable to disaese such as cold and cough.vitamin c in the lemon juice could be the right Solusition to help you awake from a seasonal disaese, antioxidants such as flavonoid will help suppres the virus so that the body back fit in extreme weathee.
2.Fixing errors gastrointestinal tract
  • Minor ailment associated with the digestive system such as constipation and diarrheg can overcome by eating warm lemon juice,that habit will make bowel mover well for a smooth bowel movement and keep is stable.
3.Balancing the body's pH Balance
  • PH is a measure of the balance of acid and bases in the body,the condition or base (alkali) show the body is a healthy condition or positive ,while the,acid or acid show the body in unsanitary condition or negatively.
  • Normally,the body needs a balance of alkaline and the remaining 80% that is 20% acid or remain stable in all weather,most of us even reverse in its fulfilment .Many foods that actualy lead to increased acid such as rice,ice cream,meat,coffe,sugar and bread that much we consume.
  • While the food ( vegetable or fruit ) that establish a balance by giving alkali like lime consume ,you may wonder why lime including alkaline food.the reason trough sour ,orange juice contains citric acid whill is good for consumption because it provides sufficient alkali that will balance the amount of acid in the body.
4.Treating stomach problems like ulcers 
  • In Amerika, many doctors recommended that patients with ulcear for mild herbal treatment with lemon just consumption as a complementary ulcer drag wich proved much better results than abunch of people.
5.Increas the power of vision
  • The content of antioxidants such as Vitamin c in the lemon juice has properties as eyes protection from damage.degeneration,and aging,while is flavonoid give protection againts eye irritation and infection. Another funtions of the lime is a headache remedy as a results eye stain ,the way to drinking orange juice.
6.Kill Bacteria 
  • Benefits of lime but to kill the worm is to eradiate the body cause disaese that can be answered by lime is malaria,cholera,typhoid and diphtheria.
7.Prevent cancer
  • Lemon an anti-cancer agent that can reduce the risk of most types of cancer such as leukimia, stomach and colan.the ability to destroy cancer cell that exist because of the lime content of liminoid who also server as contracting free radicals from the body such as the activity of green tea.
8.Kill inteatinal warm
  • Inteatinal warm will be use as a shelter by can kill the worm at the sama time issuing a way to let a fight with a mixture of lime juice and coconut water in one day yuo can eat three time at the same,interval from morning night.
9.Strengthens blood vessels
  • As a fruit rich in Vitamin C make the lemon has a disinfectant and powerfull anti-toxin to poison microbes.Vitamin c also help strengthens the blood vessels that are not easily fragile or broken,causing minor bleeding.
  • If you skin is scratched with a knife minor in juries ,immediately cured by rubbing lemon fruit flesh on the surface of the blood exposed skin for several minutes.gradually all the contens in the lime will work together to clean wounds caused by knives .this also applied to the treatment od scrabies,it just that you need help garlic to complete.
10.Assist the treatment of hipertension 
  • As a supplier of potassium is bound to have a positive impack on the body,such as  lowering blood presure of hipertension patiens.this fruit also directly display is expertise in managing the disease kardiovakulus by activating blood circulation ,as well as diabetes.
11.Lose weight 
  • Benefits of lemon juice to diet has been proved .observer diet often recommend instigator diets that started the day by drinkink a cup or warm lemon water the fiber content of its food can help you lose weight

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