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6 Foods that can relieve stomach acid

6 Foodsvthat canrelieve stomach acid

Performance of stomach acid itself is useful for stabilizing the sugars derived from the decomposition, and helps to stimulate the production of digestive enzymes as proteins in the body. So that from there, the stomach acid will be instrumental for the deadly bacterial disease carried by food when it enters the body. However, stomach acid would be problematic if the body has a habit like eating less regular, nutritional value and protein were less balanced, the type of food that is difficult to digest, stress, alcohol and others. Which is where all the things that can trigger the body affected by the disease of stomach acid.

So from that stomach acid in the body will rise later cause symptoms, ie the pain in the stomach, vomiting dry, nausea, pain in the pit of the stomach, sore throat, chronic cough, which must be disturbing to be a routine that you live every day , Therefore, to relieve sickness stomach acid, you can apply by consuming some kind makanaan, which is well known potent in tackling this type of disease. As reported on the website WebMD, these six foods you can eat to relieve stomach acid.

1. Egg whites
By the way you eat this egg white, then it could be useful to relieve the disease you are suffering from stomach acid. It thus because the egg white is quite well known as a good food that has protein and low in acid content. Thus, you should be able to take the egg whites only and leave the yolk in dealing with stomach acid. So with that, could soon subside stomach acid and stomach can be normal conditions return to normal.

2. Ginger
Did you know, that kind of spice this one, it could be you're taking to relieve stomach acid disorders that you experienced. Which in this ginger does contain anti-inflammatory properties are excellent to suppress stomach acid. So that the condition of gastric acid in the body can return to normal and healthy. In addition, these types of herbs can also be a natural remedy for gastrointestinal effectively overcome.

3. Oatmeal
In this case, breakfast oatmeal can indeed be healthy for your body. Which in this oatmeal will not cause acid reflux in the body. Even healthy fiber content contained in it was good for your body. Oatmeal thus deserves to be a pretty good meal for your stomach acid.

4. Bananas
The content contained in bananas has a pH of 5.6, which is very good for people with ulcer disease. So the way you eat a banana is, can you make natural substances to relieve excess stomach acid in your body. By doing so, eat bananas you can apply in addressing diseases that you experienced stomach acid.

5. Greens
Vegetables like celery, broccoli, cauliflower, which is where all kinds of vegetables are indeed low in acid content. So that the vegetables you can make natural substances to relieve stomach acid. That way, if you are experiencing stomach acid that rises, then you can consume some type of green vegetables in the form of processed vegetables for example.

6. Cantaloupe, honeydew, and watermelon
Of the three types of food does have a pH of 6.1, which is quite useful for people suffering from gastric acid. So by eating melon, cantaloupe, and watermelon, then you will be able to make food for the stomach acid effectively overcome.
Tag : Healthy
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